[EM] Re: Definition of fully voting one candidate over another

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Mon May 31 15:48:02 PDT 2004


I'd said:

--- MIKE OSSIPOFF <nkklrp at hotmail.com> a écrit : >
>A voter fullly votes X over Y if s/he votes in such a way that if there 
>were an even number of voters, and half of them voted in that way, it would 
>be impossible for Y to be the unique winner, no matter how the other half 

[I accidentally omitted the clause "...if all the candidates but X & Y are 
deleted from the ballots..."

You replied:

In any method where if one candidate is the favorite of >=50% of the voters, 
other candidate can be the unique winner

, it is going to be the case that fully
voting X over Y implies fully voting every candidate over Y, even candidates 
whom Y is fully voted.

For example, the ballot A>B>C fully votes B over C and also C over B.

I reply:

Good point--my initial definition doesn't work as intended. After I left the 
computer yesterday, I realized that I'd forgotten to include the clause 
"...if all the candidates but one are deleted from the ballots...".

You continued:

Maybe you mean that if Y is a non-unique winner, then X must also be one.  
that case fully voting X over anyone means that X is the ballot's strict 
Maybe that is your intention?

I reply:

No, I just meant to stipulate that we delete everyone but X & Y from the 
ballots, but forgot to include that clause.

Mike Ossipoff

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