[EM] Approval Elections & Effective Weights

Richard Moore rmoore4 at home.com
Wed Apr 11 20:14:55 PDT 2001

Here's a reference I found on the Scientific American site, at
http://www.sciam.com/askexpert/math/math2.html. I'm not
going to do Don's research for him but if he can find the cited
articles they might hold an answer to his query.


>Generally speaking, however, the candidate who has won under approval voting did well
among bullet voters (those who voted for only one candidate), as well as among
>those who voted for more than one candidate. Further details can be found in Steven
Brams and Peter Fishburn, 'Approval Voting in Scientific and Engineering Societies,
>in Group Decisions and Negotiations, Vol. 1, No. 1, pages 41-55; April 1992, and
Steven Brams and Jack Nagel, 'Approval Voting in Practice,' in Public Choice, Vol. 71,
>Nos. 1/2, pages 1-17; August 1991.

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