[EM] Detailed stats for the ordinal methods

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at t-online.de
Sun May 12 03:39:54 PDT 2024

On 2024-05-12 05:35, Chris Benham wrote:
>> Strategic nomination can indeed be a problem and should be 
>> investigated more closely. James-Green Armytage showed that IRV has 
>> greater exit incentive than the Condorcet-IRV methods do, for instance.
> Kristofer,
> Can you please point me to this?

Sure :-)

That's from his paper, "Four Hare-Condorcet Hybrids", which can be found 
at http://www.mcdougall.org.uk/voting-matters/ISSUE29/I29P1.pdf. See 
page 10, table 3; as well as Figure 3 on page 11.

For instance, with a spatial model with 99 voters, 4 dimensions, 9 
initial candidates, Benham's strategic exit fraction is 0.015, while 
IRV's (marked "AV" for "alternative vote") is 0.151.

The calculation is described in section 6 from page 8 onwards.


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