[EM] Why no Condorcet proposals?

Ted Stern dodecatheon at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 15:05:38 PST 2024


I see you like Condorcet//Approval(implicit).

What about Condorcet//Median Ratings?

On Thu, Jan 11, 2024, 09:07 Michael Ossipoff <email9648742 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Nanson has precedent, but it doesn’t have the simplicity of some of the
> other Condorcet-compliant methods.
> …& how does Nanson do by freedom from need for defensive-strategy (against
> offensive-strategy)?
> Achieving the best strategy-free-ness is the goal of Condorcet.
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 12:08 Bob Richard [lists] <
> lists001 at robertjrichard.com> wrote:
>> A Condorcet-compliant method, Nanson, was used in the small city of
>> Marquette, Michigan in the 1920s. It would be very instructive to learn why
>> it was repealed. I have never seen anything more than a passing mention of
>> this episode, so this research would probably involve traveling to
>> Marquette and rummaging around in newspaper archives, county election
>> records and the public library. On the other hand, this part of Michigan is
>> a beautiful place to visit. Any takers?
>> --Bob Richard
>> ------ Original Message ------
>> From "Michael Ossipoff" <email9648742 at gmail.com>
>> To "EM list" <election-methods at electorama.com>
>> Date 1/10/2024 11:34:57 AM
>> Subject [EM] Why no Condorcet proposals?
>> That question was recently asked.
>> Condorcet has many versions, & there’s no agreement on that matter.
>> So Condorcet doesn’t have any enactment-projects, or even an organization.
>> Condorcet was computationally infeasible for more than a few candidates,
>> in the days when Hare began being adopted a century ago. Hence its
>> particularly great unfamiliarity.
>> Those things are regrettable, because only Condorcet can fully reassure
>> our thoroughly-conditioned lesser-evil voters that they needn’t too-vote an
>> evil.
>> How about proposing Condorcet in your community, & demonstrating it in
>> various nonpolitical votes.
>> Sometimes a city, county or state governing-body will outright enact a
>> voting-system reform. That’s happened for RCV.
>> …or maybe would order & schedule a referendum, as has likewise happened
>> for RCV.
>> But, as a last-resort, one could advertise on bulletin-boards, online, in
>> the classifieds, etc., to convene a Condorcet enactment committee, for the
>> pursuit of an initiative.
>> Suggest, to them, a few of the simpler & long-discussed versions, such as:
>> MinMax(wv)
>> CW, Implicit-Approval (CW, IA).
>> Neither needs mention of the Smith-set or cycles.
>> Both thwart offensive-truncation, & deter burial if people use the
>> defensive-strategy of refusing to rank anyone they don’t like & don’t wish
>> to beat the CW via burial.
>> That committee could then conduct focus-groups, in person or online, to
>> find out which Condorcet version would have the best chance of
>> initiative-enactment.
>> Obviously Approval would be the best voting-system by which for that
>> focus-group to vote among the proposals. Participants should be asked to
>> approve (only) the proposal(s) that they’d support in an initiative.
>> ----
>> Election-Methods mailing list - see https://electorama.com/em for list
>> info
> ----
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