[EM] Ranked Negative Choice Voting

Richard Lung voting at ukscientists.com
Tue Apr 30 00:13:49 PDT 2024

Reformers are missing something if they don't pay close attention to the 
facts of the case.

RCV is actually Ranked Negative Choice Voting. The main point of this 
campaign is to waylay candidates who fall foul of an elimination count, 
afforded by ranking the vote. A positive ranked choice of representation 
depends on a muti-member district proportional count, like Cambridge system.

Eventually, voters are going to become restless with a system, in single 
member districts, that does little for their better representation.

(As someone said, tho, the Burlington example is an "outlier"; an 
academic pedantry. It is essentially, a candidates gripe, not a voters 
lack of representation. Condorcet pairing strikes me as of a piece with 
Anglo-American single-member monomania.)

Single member monopolies are too dictatorial, and to be avoided for a 
more peaceful, accountable government, both in the executive and 
legislative branches.


Richard Lung.

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