[EM] Monotonic Burial Resistant Method

Forest Simmons forest.simmons21 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 10:33:32 PDT 2023

On Thu, Jul 6, 2023, 1:43 AM Kristofer Munsterhjelm <km_elmet at t-online.de>

> On 7/6/23 03:35, Forest Simmons wrote:
> > For each candidate Y, let RBAFP(Y) be Y's  Random Ballot Anti-Favorite
> > Probability ... the probability that on a randomly drawn ballot,
> > candidate Y would be the candidate designated as "anti-favorite" (worst
> > position) on the ballot.
> >
> > For each candidate X, let S(X) be the sum over all Y that defeat X, of
> > RBAFP(Y).
> >
> > Elect argmin(S(X))
> Let's consider the three-candidate ABCA cycle case.
> If I'm not mistaken, at least when all ballots are fully specified,
> RBAFP(Y) is linearly related to just Y's Antiplurality score, because
> the probability is Y's antiplurality count or score, divided by the
> number of voters.
> So in this simple cycle, we associate with A the strength of the number
> of last preference votes for the candidate who beats A pairwise. So in
> my terminology: lpC. Since minimum wins, and my "linear" methods elect
> the candidate with a *maximum*, A's score is thus -lpC.
> I just created a burial example finder that uses linear programming; I
> was going to write a post about using a sort of alternating method
> (first find DMTCBR burial example, then find method that doesn't fail
> it, then find a burial example that *it* fails, etc) as a poor man's
> quantifier elimination, but I haven't got around to do it. Still, it's
> useful for finding a particular example.
> What we want is:
>         - A has >1/3 first preferences and is the honest Condorcet winner,
> hence the dominant mutual third candidate.
>         - Then some BAC voters change their vote into BCA
>         - As a result there's an ABCA cycle and B wins, i.e.
>                 - lpA is less than lpC (B has a better score than A),
> and             - lpB is less than lpC (B has a better score than C).
> This produces the following example:
>         2: A>B>C
>         1: B>C>A (honest is B>A>C)
>         2: C>A>B
> It's an A>B>C>A cycle: A has 2 first preferences out of 5, hence >1/3
> first preferences. The probabilities of a ballot having a last
> preference for
>         A is 1/5
>         B is 2/5
>         C is 3/5
Since these events are mutually exclusive, the probabilities should not
surpass 100 percent.

A's penalty (to be minimized) is C's probability, i.e. 3/5. B's penalty
> is A's last place probability, i.e. 1/5; and C's penalty is B's: 2/5.
> So the social ordering is B>C>A. Hence the burial paid off. It pushed A
> from first to last place.
> However, the example election has an unusual configuration: the burial
> fails for every method implemented by LeGrand's rbvote (my mirror is at
> https://munsterhjelm.no/km/rbvote/calc.html). Thus it might well have
> been hard to spot the flaw.
> In case it might be of interest, I've added the AMPL/GMPL linear program
> below :-) I've added integer constraints so that the ballot weights are
> all integer, which strictly speaking makes this an integer program, but
> it would work even without those constraints.
> var ABC >= 0 integer;
> var ACB >= 0 integer;
> var BAC >= 0 integer;
> var BCA >= 0 integer;
> var CAB >= 0 integer;
> var CBA >= 0 integer;
> var V >= 0 integer;
> var lpA >= 0 integer;
> var lpB >= 0 integer;
> var lpC >= 0 integer;
> minimize voters: V;
> s.t. def_V: V = ABC + ACB + BAC + BCA + CAB + CBA;
> s.t. fpA_exceeds_third: 3 * (ABC + ACB) >= 1 + ABC + ACB + BAC + BCA +
> CAB + CBA;
> s.t. AbeatsB: ABC + ACB + CAB >= BAC + BCA + CBA + 1;
> s.t. BbeatsC: BAC + BCA + ABC >= CAB + CBA + ACB + 1;
> s.t. CbeatsAafter: CAB + CBA + BCA >= ABC + ACB + BAC + 1;
> s.t. AbeatsCbefore: ABC + ACB + BAC + 1 >= BCA + CAB + CBA;
> s.t. def_lpA: lpA = BCA + CBA;
> s.t. def_lpB: lpB = ACB + CAB;
> s.t. def_lpC: lpC = BAC + ABC;
> s.t. lpA_less_than_lpC: lpC >= lpA + 1;
> s.t. lpB_less_than_lpC: lpB >= lpA + 1;
> solve;
> It can easily be adapted to find burial examples for other methods. For
> instance, here are constraints for Smith,Antiplurality and Smith,Bucklin:
> s.t. lpB_less_than_lpC: lpC >= lpB + 1;
> s.t. lpB_less_than_lpA: lpA >= lpB + 1;
> which gives
>         2: A>B>C
>         1: B>C>A
>         1: C>A>B
>         1: C>B>A
> (Funnily, with three candidates and complete ballots, Bucklin seems to
> be just Majority,Antiplurality: either someone has a majority, or the
> candidate with the greatest first pref + second pref count wins; but
> first + second + last prefs = number of voters, so that's the same as
> the candidate with the fewest last place votes winning!)
> -km
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