[EM] Truncation (was re: Defeat Strength)
Kristofer Munsterhjelm
km_elmet at t-online.de
Sun Sep 11 06:22:04 PDT 2022
On 11.09.2022 13:40, Juho Laatu wrote:
> Hi,
> I noted discussion on if "not marked in the ballot" should mean
> "equal last" or "no opinion". Does someone have an opinion on if also
> "equally good" (explicit or implicit "A=B") and "no opinion"
> (explicit or implicit "A B") should be seen as two different
> opinions? One possible difference in meaning is "if A is about to get
> elected, also B should be about to get elected" vs "I don't care at
> all if one or both of them are elected or not".
I consider those to be roughly equivalent. What equal-rank means to me
is something along the lines of "with the time I've given myself, I
can't see a difference between these candidates, and I think it's more
worthwhile for other ballots to decide".
Unless two candidates are identical, every voter probably has an ever so
slight preference between the two that he could discover given enough
effort. But a voter equal-ranking simply says that it's not worth it.
(It's sort of related to the idea of the absolute threshold or JND.)
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