[EM] Manual Construction of Smith Set
Forest Simmons
forest.simmons21 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 15:38:12 PST 2022
El vie., 14 de ene. de 2022 3:02 p. m., Ted Stern <dodecatheon at gmail.com>
> (re-sent as Reply to All)
> Hi Kristofer,
> There's a slightly easier way.
> Each candidate is asked "How many other candidates defeat you?"
> The one with the fewest defeats (the Copeland winner) moves to the right
> of the line. If there is a tie, all tied candidates move right.
> The candidate(s) on the right is (are) asked, "Which candidates on the
> left side of the line defeated you?" And as they are named, they come to
> the right of the line.
> Each new right-side candidate is asked the same question, and any
> left-side candidates named come to the right side.
> When none of the candidates on the right can name any other candidates on
> the left who have defeated them, the Smith set is complete.
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 2:34 AM Kristofer Munsterhjelm <
> km_elmet at t-online.de> wrote:
>> On 13.01.2022 04:46, Richard, the VoteFair guy wrote:
>> > Thank you Forest, Colin, and Kristofer for answering my question about
>> > how to manually identify the Smith set.
>> >
>> > I now better understand how to do this on paper.
>> >
>> > However, I'm still uncertain how it could be done in a public setting
>> > such as on stage in a school auditorium, with an audience watching to
>> > ensure the process is fair. (And creating a video of the process.)
>> My O(n^2) method would be pretty transparent, I think; it would just get
>> unwieldy very fast.
>> First you let each person represent a candidate, and then, for each
>> person, you have that person ask "do I beat A, B, C..." in turn. This
>> gives the number of candidates that candidate beats, i.e. the Copeland
>> score.
>> Let there be a dividing line: everybody to the right (say) of that line
>> is in the provisional Smith set, everybody to the left is not. Move the
>> Copeland winner to the right of the line.
>> Then ask each other candidate if he beats the first member, second
>> member, etc. of that set. If yes, move him up to the other side of the
>> line. If anyone was moved to the right of the line as part of this
>> round, restart from the first candidate to the left of the line once
>> you've asked all of them; otherwise, the process is done and the
>> candidates on the right constitute the Smith set.
>> -km
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