[EM] The election methods trade-off paradox/impossibility theorems paradox.

Brian Olson bql at bolson.org
Sat Jun 24 15:15:45 PDT 2017

​> ​i don't believe it.  and simulations will not persuade me.

Sure, simulations aren't real humans. Opinions stuck in opposition, someone
ought to do a proper psychology experiment. Devise a methodology, do a
test, get people to {rank, rate} {5,10, 20} things in a subject they {know
well, know poorly} and figure out the quality of information gotten out of
people, and ask them how they felt about how much work they had to do to
put into this.

If people can rate 5 things they barely know about well enough, great.
Maybe people can tolerate *rating* 20 things for topics they know well, but
for more vague subjects *ranking* 10 things or more is easier on their

That's just my guess of about how it might go.
Then maybe the question would be how do we think actual elections will go?
Single seat elections will usually have 2-5 candidates? (but some rare
times 20+ ?)
Multi seat elections will have 5-20 candidates or more?
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