[EM] Practical Democrach

Fred Gohlke fredgohlke at verizon.net
Mon Jan 25 06:35:24 PST 2016

                       PRACTICAL DEMOCRACY

When we speak of government by the people, 'the people' is not an 
amorphous mass.  It is an abundance of individuals: some brilliant, some 
dull; some good, some bad; some with integrity, some deceitful.  To 
achieve government by the people, we must sift through this diversity to 
find the individuals with the qualities needed to address and resolve 
contemporary public concerns.

In a truly democratic political process, the entire electorate will 
participate in defining the issues the government must address and 
selecting the individuals best equipped to resolve those issues.  The 
size of the electorate and the varying level of interest in public 
affairs among the populace make the matter of including everyone a 

This paper describes a method of dividing the electorate into very small 
groups and letting each group decide which of their members best 
represents the group's interests.  Those so chosen are arranged in 
similar groups to continue sifting through the electorate to identify 
the individuals most motivated and best qualified to address and resolve 
the people's concerns.  The described approach ensures that candidates 
for public office are carefully examined by their peers before they are 
chosen as the people's representatives.

                       PRACTICAL DEMOCRACY

The realities of life, particularly our economic needs, tend to distract 
us from serious thought about public concerns.  These circumstances have 
allowed the political infrastructure in the United States to gradually 
deteriorate until, as Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page[1] conclude, 
"America's claims to being a democratic society are seriously 
threatened."  One of their striking findings is:

   "... the nearly total failure of 'median voter' and other
    Majoritarian Electoral Democracy theories.  When the
    preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized
    interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the
    average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero,
    statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."

These results should not be surprising.  Justice Louis Brandeis is 
quoted as saying, "We may have democracy, or we may have wealth 
concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."[2] 
Organized political power and concentrated wealth feed off each other. 
The political process in the United States epitomizes this relationship.

If we wish to change our entrenched system, we should start by heeding 
John Dewey's guidance[3]:

   "The old saying that the cure for the ills of democracy
    is more democracy is not apt if it means that the evils
    may be remedied by introducing more machinery of the
    same kind as that which already exists, or by refining
    and perfecting that machinery."

Creating new machinery that differs from existing machinery in important 
ways requires an understanding of the flaws in the existing machinery.

Democracy is not a team sport.  Even though partisanship is natural for 
humans, political systems built on partisanship are destructive.

George Washington warned us, in his Farewell Address, that political 
factions would enable "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men" to 
"subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins 
of government"[4].  In spite of his warning, those "cunning, ambitious, 
and unprincipled men" created top-down political organizations that let 
them set the agendas and choose the candidates for which people may vote.

When the people are only allowed to choose from party-chosen options, 
the ability to vote for one of them is neither free nor democratic.  On 
the contrary, since those who control the options control the outcome, 
it shows that the people are subjects of those who defined their 
options.  As Robert Michels pointed out, "... the oligarchical and 
bureaucratic tendency of party organization ... serves to conceal from 
the mass a danger which really threatens democracy."[5]

Over two hundred years experience with party politics informs us that, 
when politics is based on partisanship, the partisans form oligarchic 
power blocs that become an end in themselves and ultimately transcend 
the will of the people.  National Socialism and Russian Communism had 
features that attracted broad partisan support throughout a national 
expanse and both degenerated into destructive forces because their 
partisans gained control of their governments.

The danger in communism and National Socialism was not that they 
attracted partisan support; it was that the partisans controlled the 
government.  In general, partisanship is healthy when it helps give 
voice to our views.  It is destructive when it achieves power.  All 
ideologies, whether of the right or the left, differ from communism and 
National Socialism only in the extent to which their partisans are able 
to impose their biases on the public.

Party politics is a potent tool for those with a thirst for power but it 
does not foster government by the people.  It disenfranchises 
non-partisans and results in government by a small fraction of the 
people.  For the people as a whole, the flaws are devastating.  Their 
cumulative effect victimizes the public by the most basic and effective 
strategy of domination - Divide and Conquer.

In spite of the dangers inherent in partisanship, we must recognize that 
it is a vital part of society.  People differ, and it is essential that 
they should, because we advance our common interest by examining 
conceivable options.  Differing people seek out and align themselves 
with others who share their views.  In the process of doing so, they 
hone their views to help form a consensus.  That is the way they give 
breadth, depth and volume to their voice.

Such alliances are not only inevitable; they are a vital part of society 
- provided they are always a voice and never a power. The danger is not 
in partisanship, it is in allowing partisans to control government.

1--> New machinery to support a democratic political process
      must incorporate partisanship without letting partisans
      control the political process.

Political Campaigning
Campaigning is the process of selling political candidates to the 
public.  It is a top-down technique and is conceptually unsound in any 
political system that purports to be democratic.

Campaigning is the antithesis of open inquiry.  It is a training course 
in the art of deception.  Candidates must continually adjust their 
assertions to appeal to the diverse groups whose votes they need for 
their election.  In the process, they become expert at avoiding direct 
answers to questions and diverting attention from unwelcome topics.  The 
result is one-way communication centered on deceit, misdirection and 

Political campaigning incurs high costs.  Those who supply the money are 
not altruists; they demand a return for their money.  The only product 
the political parties have to sell is the laws their candidates will 
enact when elected.  This relationship is a major stimulus for the 
corruption that is destroying democracy in America.

2--> New machinery to support a democratic political process
      must function without political campaigns.

Passion Versus Intellect
Political parties mount, finance and staff campaigns designed to inflame 
the passions of the electorate.  There is no genuine attempt to consult 
the public interest.  Instead, surveys are conducted to find "hot 
buttons" which generate a desired response and professionals use the 
information to mold "messages" which the candidates and the parties feed 
the public.  It is a rabble- rousing technique.

Intelligent decisions require discourse; assertions must be examined, 
not in the sterile environment of a televised debate, but in depth.  The 
electorate must be able to examine candidates and discuss matters of 
public concern, and, with the knowledge so gained, make decisions.  In 
the existing political environment, they have no opportunity to do so.

3--> New machinery to support a democratic political process
      must enable and encourage dialogue and deliberation on
      political issues among the electorate.

"Few things in life are more predictable than the chances of an 
incumbent member of the U.S. House of Representatives winning 
reelection.  With wide name recognition, and usually an insurmountable 
advantage in campaign cash, House incumbents typically have little 
trouble holding onto their seats..."[9]

It is reported that incumbents in the U. S. Senate and House of 
Representatives are returned to office over 90% of the time even though 
Congress has an approval rating of less then 15%.[10] This circumstance 
obtains because the people have no options.

What choices are available to the voters when the only names on the 
ballot are those chosen by the parties?  When the dominant party 
repeatedly chooses the same candidate and the opposing candidate is an 
unacceptable alternative, the people have no way to bring new minds to 
their government.  Systems that let organized groups decide who can be a 
candidate for public office are profoundly undemocratic.

Dynamic systems require fresh minds.  The current and emerging problems 
facing the electorate change constantly.  The inability to select new 
representatives equipped to resolve contemporary issues injures the 
entire community.  In addition, rot thrives in a closed environment. 
Just like with apples in barrels, corruption flourishes when incumbents 
are repeatedly returned to office.

4--> New machinery to support a democratic political process
      must include a way for the people to change their
      representatives, as they deem appropriate.

Political parties are top-down arrangements that are important for the 
principals:  the party leaders, financiers, candidates and elected 
officials, but the significance diminishes rapidly as the distance from 
the center of power grows.  Most people are on the periphery, remote 
from the centers of power.  They have little or no influence, as shown 
by Gilens and Page.[1]  As outsiders, they are effectively excluded from 
the political process.

Party-dominated political infrastructures deny the people the right to 
decide the issues they want addressed and the right to select the 
candidates they want to address them.  As a result, the people's 
political skills atrophy because the system gives them no meaningful 
participation in the political process.

The challenge of democracy is to find the best advocates of the common 
interest and raise them to positions of leadership.  To meet that 
challenge, given the range of public issues and the way each 
individual's interest in political matters varies over time, an 
effective electoral process must examine the entire electorate during 
each electoral cycle, seeking the people's best advocates.

Machinery that gives the entire electorate a voice in the political 
process must accommodate the fact that the desire to participate in 
political affairs varies from one individual to the next.  Some have no 
desire to participate, some will participate for altruistic reasons, 
some will participate to advance their self-interest, and some will be 
indifferent.  To reconcile this diversity, a democratic process must be 
open to all, without coercion.

We cannot know what treasures of political ability will be unearthed 
when people are invited to deliberate on their common concerns - with a 
purpose.  Some, who start out unsure of their ability, will, as they 
learn they can persuade others of the value of their perspective, gain 
confidence in their ability to influence the political process.  In 
doing so, the people gain the internal goods that can only be attained 
through the practice of politics.  That, as Alasdair MacIntyre[6] 
explained, benefits the entire community.

5--> New machinery to support a democratic political process
      must be inclusive.  It must be a bottom-up arrangement
      that lets every member of the community influence political
      decisions to the full extent of each individual's desire and

The Machinery
Political systems are always an embodiment of human nature.  Since we 
cannot divorce our political institutions from our own nature, the new 
machinery to support a democratic political process must harness our 
nature.  It must make the qualities needed to represent the common 
interest desirable attributes in those who seek political advancement.

Given the wide range of desire and ability among the members of society, 
an inclusive environment must be arranged to encourage the greatest 
participation.  Esterling, Fung and Lee show that deliberation in small 
groups raises the knowledge level of the participants and their 
satisfaction with the results of their deliberations.[7]  Pogrebinschi 
found that "... policies for minority groups deliberated in the national 
conferences tend to be crosscutting as to their content.  The policies 
tend to favor more than one group simultaneously..."[8]

If we are to create an environment for effective political dialogue, we 
must create a framework in which all citizens are encouraged to discuss 
their political concerns with their peers. Such inclusiveness can be 
achieved by arranging the voters in small groups where people with 
differing views discuss issues that concern them.

Since public issues are inseparable from the people who resolve them, 
the groups must identify the individuals in their group who best 
represent their interests.  The people so chosen can deliberate with the 
choices of other groups to identify the community's most pressing issues 
and the individuals best suited to address them.

The inclusivity of the process depends in great measure on the size of 
the groups in which the people meet and discuss their concerns.  Groups 
must be large enough to make a decision and small enough to encourage 
those who are not accustomed to the serious discussion of political 
issues to express their views.

If we examine the dynamics of such a process, we find that, when a group 
of people meet to select one of their number to represent the others, 
there will be three kinds of participants:  those seeking selection, 
those willing to be selected, and those who do not want to be selected.

If none of the participants are willing to be selected, the group will 
not make a choice and will drop from the process in accordance with 
their own wishes.  Among groups that make a selection, those who are 
selected will be somewhere on the continuum from those willing to be 
selected to those seeking selection.

For simplicity, we will assume that the desire to be selected is 
equivalent to a desire for public office (as the people's 
representative) and that the people we mention as examples are at one 
end of the wish-willingness continuum or the other.  The reality is 
infinitely more complex, but the results will differ only in degree from 
what we learn by thinking about the people who are at the hypothetical 

The purpose of the process is to advance the best advocates of each 
group's perspective on contemporary problems, in a pyramidal fashion, to 
deliberate with the selections of other groups.  In such an arrangement, 
it is reasonable to think that active seekers of advancement will be 
chosen more frequently than those who only advance because they are 
willing to be selected.  For that reason, after several iterations of 
the process, we can anticipate that all group members will be 
individuals seeking to persuade their peers that they are the best 
suited to advance.

When persuasion occurs between two people, it takes place as a dialogue 
with one person attempting to persuade the other.  In such events, both 
parties are free to participate in the process. The person to be 
persuaded can question the persuader as to specific points, and present 
alternatives.  Under such circumstances, it is possible that the 
persuader will become the persuaded.

However, when persuasion involves multiple people, it has a greater 
tendency to occur as a monologue.  The transition from dialogue to 
monologue accelerates as the number of people to be persuaded increases. 
  The larger the number of people, the less free some of them are to 
participate in the process.  In such circumstances, the more assertive 
individuals will dominate the discussion and the viewpoints of the less 
assertive members will not be expressed.

Viewed this way, we can say that when selecting representatives of the 
public interest, a system that encourages dialogue is preferable to one 
that relies on a monologue, and dialogue is best encouraged by having 
fewer people in the "session of persuasion".  Under these circumstances, 
the optimum group size to ensure the inclusion of, and encourage the 
active involvement of, the entire electorate, is three.

1) Divide the entire electorate into groups of three randomly
    chosen people.

    a) The random grouping mechanism must insure that no two
       people are assigned to a triad if they served together in a
       triad in any of the five most recent elections.  At the
       initial level, it must ensure that no two people are
       assigned to a triad if they are members of the same family.

    b) At any time up to one week before the process begins,
       people may declare themselves members of any interest
       group, faction, party, or enclave, and may create a new
       one, simply by declaring membership in it.  People that do
       not declare group membership are automatically assigned to
       a set of people with no affiliation.  Triads will be
       created from members of the same interest group, as long as
       more than two members of the group exist.  When a group has
       less than three members, the group's remaining candidates
       are merged with the largest set extant.

    c) For the convenience of the electorate, triad assignments
       shall be based on geographic proximity to the maximum
       extent practical, subject to the foregoing conditions.

2) Assign a date and time by which each triad must select one of
    the three members to represent the other two.

    a) Selections will be made by consensus. If consensus cannot
       be achieved, selection will be by vote.  Participants may
       not vote for themselves.

    b) If a triad is unable to select a representative in the
       specified time, all three participants shall be deemed
       disinclined to participate in the process.

3) Divide the participants so selected into new triads.

4) Repeat from step 2 until a target number of selections is

For convenience, we refer to each iteration as a 'Level', such that 
Level 1 is the initial grouping of the entire electorate, Level 2 is the 
grouping of the selections made at Level 1, and so forth.  The entire 
electorate participates at level 1 giving everyone an equal opportunity 
to advance to succeeding levels.

Elective and Appointive Offices
The final phase of the Practical Democracy (PD) process, electing 
candidates to specific public offices, is omitted from this outline 
because that task is implementation-dependent.  Whatever method is used, 
it is recommended that participants who reach the highest levels but do 
not achieve public office become a pool of validated candidates from 
which appointive offices must be filled.

The local government conducts the process.  It assigns the participants 
of each triad and supplies the groups with the text of pending 
ordinances and a synopsis of the budget appropriate to the group.  In 
addition, on request, it makes the full budget available and supplies 
the text of any existing ordinances.  This enables a careful examination 
of public issues and encourages a thorough discussion of matters of 
public concern.

The public has a tendency to think of elections in terms of just a few 
offices: a congressional seat, a senate race, and so forth.  There are, 
however, a large number of elected officials who fill township, county, 
state and federal offices.  The structure outlined here provides 
qualified candidates for those offices.

As the process advances through the levels, the life of the triads (the 
amount of time the participants spend together) increases.  At level 1, 
triads may meet for a few minutes, over a back-yard fence, so-to-speak, 
but that would not be adequate at higher levels.  As the levels advance, 
the participants need more time to evaluate those they are grouped with 
and to research, examine and deliberate on the issues concerning them. 
(See "Time Lapse Example", below.)

Face-to-face meetings in three-person groups eliminate any possibility 
of voting machine fraud.  Significantly, they also allow participants to 
observe the non-verbal clues humans emit during discourse and will tend 
to favor moderate attitudes over extremism.  As Louis Brandeis said, "We 
are not won by arguments that we can analyze, but by tone and temper; by 
the manner, which is the man himself."[11]

The dissimulation and obfuscation that are so effective in 
campaign-based politics will not work in a group of three people, each 
of whom has a vital interest in reaching the same goal as the miscreant. 
  Thus, the advancement of participants will depend on their perceived 
qualities and demeanor as well as the probity with which they fulfill 
their public obligations.

PD is a distillation process, biased in favor of the most upright and 
capable of our citizens.  It cannot guarantee that unprincipled 
individuals will never be selected - such a goal would be unrealistic - 
but it does insure that they are the exception rather than the rule.

More than that, they achieve selection alone, not as part of an 
organized faction.  Once elected, acts they seek to inspire must attract 
the support of others over whom they have no partisan control.

Harnessing the Pursuit of Self-Interest
The initial phase of the PD process is dominated by participants with 
little interest in advancing to higher levels.  They do not seek public 
office; they simply wish to pursue their private lives in peace.  Thus, 
the most powerful human dynamic during the first phase (i.e., Level 1 
and for some levels thereafter) is a desire by the majority of the 
participants to select someone who will represent them.  The person so 
selected is more apt to be someone who is willing to take on the 
responsibility of going to the next level than someone who actively 
seeks elevation to the next level, but those who do actively seek 
elevation are not inhibited from doing so.

As the levels increase, the proportion of disinterested parties 
diminishes and we enter a second phase.  Here, participants that advance 
are marked, more and more, by an inclination to seek further 
advancement.  Thus, the powerful influence of self-interest is 
integrated into the process.

Those who actively seek selection must persuade their triad that they 
are the best qualified to represent the other two.  While that is easy 
at the lower levels, it becomes more difficult as the process moves 
forward and participants are matched with peers who also seek 
advancement.  The competitors will seek out any hint of impropriety and 
will not overlook unsuitable behavior.

The pursuit of self-interest is a powerful force.  Allowed free rein, it 
can produce an anti-social menace.  However, when it is an advantage for 
an individual to be recognized as a person of principle, one's natural 
tendency to pursue one's own interest is more than adequate to avoid 
improper acts.  The PD process gives candidates a career-controlling 
incentive to maintain their integrity.  Their own self-interest provides 
the motivation.

Practical Democracy harnesses the pursuit of self-interest by making 
integrity an absolute requirement in candidates for public office.

The process is inherently bi-directional.  Because each advancing 
participant and elected official sits atop a pyramid of known electors, 
questions on specific issues can easily be transmitted directly to and 
from the electors for the guidance or instruction of the official.  This 
capability offers those who implement the process a broad scope, ranging 
from simple polling of constituents to referenda on selected issues and 
recall of an elected representative.

Simplified Illustration
This table illustrates the process for a community of 25,000 voters. 
For simplicity, it omits interest group considerations and assumes each 
triad selects a candidate.  The process is shown through 7 levels. 
Those who implement the process will determine the number of levels 
necessary for their specific application.

                  Full   Over  Prev.   Total  People
Level   People  Triads  Flow  Level  Triads  Chosen  Days
    1    25,000   8,333    1     0     8,333   8,333    5  (1)
    2     8,334   2,778    0     0     2,778   2,778    5
    3     2,778     926    0     0       926     926   12
    4       926     308    2     1       309     309   12
    5       309     103    0     0       103     103   19
    6       103      34    1     2        35      35   19
    7        35      11    2     1        12      12   26  (2)

1) If the number of candidates does not divide equally into
    triads, any candidates remaining are overflow.  Level 1 is a
    special case.  When there is overflow at Level 1, the extra
    person(s) automatically become candidates at Level 2.
    Thereafter, when there is overflow at any level, the number of
    people needed to create a full triad are selected at random
    from the people who were not selected at the previous level.

2) To avoid patronage, appointive offices, including cabinet
    positions, must be filled using candidates that reached the
    final levels but were not selected to fill elective offices.

Time Lapse Example
To give a very rough idea of the time lapse required for such an 
election, we will hypothesize triad lives of 5 days for the 1st and 2nd 
levels, 12 days for the 3rd and 4th levels, 19 days for the 5th and 6th 
levels, and 26 days thereafter.  To illustrate, we will start triad 
lives on a Wednesday and have them report their selection on a Monday. 
In a 7-level election (like the one shown above), the process would 
complete in 98 days:

     Level  Start     Report   Days
       1   01/07/15  01/12/15    5
       2   01/14/15  01/19/15    5
       3   01/21/15  02/02/15   12
       4   02/04/15  02/16/15   12
       5   02/18/15  03/09/15   19
       6   03/11/15  03/30/15   19
       7   04/01/15  04/27/15   26

Cost And Time Consumption
The cost of conducting an election by this method is free to the 
participants, except for the value of their time, and minimal to the 
government.  The length of time taken to complete an election compares 
favorably with the time required by campaign-based partisan systems. 
Even in California, with a voting-eligible population of about 
22,000,000, the process would complete in less than 12 levels, or about 
230 calendar days.

 From the perspective of those not motivated to seek public office, it 
is worth noting that, as each level completes, two-thirds of the 
participants can resume their daily lives without further electoral 
obligation.  At the same time, they retain the ability to guide or 
instruct their representatives to the extent and in the manner provided 
by those who implement the process. (See "Bi-Directionality", above)

Practical Democracy springs from the knowledge that some people are 
better advocates of the public interest than others.  In Beyond 
Adversary Democracy[12], Jane Mansbridge, speaking of a small community 
in Vermont, says, "When interests are similar, citizens do not need 
equal power to protect their individual interests; they only need to 
persuade their wisest, cleverest, most virtuous, and most experienced 
citizens to spend their time solving town problems in the best interests 
of everyone."[13]

The fundamental challenge of democracy is to find those "wisest, 
cleverest, most virtuous, and most experienced citizens" and empower 
them as our representatives.  PD does that by giving every member of the 
electorate the right to be a candidate and the ability to influence the 
selection process, while ensuring that no individual or group has an 
advantage over others.

PD makes no attempt to alter the structure of government.  We have the 
venues for resolving adversarial issues in our legislatures and 
councils.  However, since the solutions that flow from those assemblies 
cannot be better than the people who craft them, PD lets the electorate 
select the individuals they believe will resolve adversarial issues in 
the public interest.

Peoples' interests change over time.  To achieve satisfaction, these 
changing attitudes must be given voice and reflected in the results of 
each election.  The PD process lets particular interests attract 
supporters to their cause and elevate their most effective advocates 
during each electoral cycle.  Advocates of those interests can proclaim 
their ideas and encourage discussion of their concepts.  Some will be 
accepted, in whole or in part, as they are shown to be in the common 
interest of the community.

Most people expect their elected officials to represent their interests. 
  The difficulty is that communities are made up of diverse interests 
and the relations between those interests can be contentious. 
Constructive resolution of political issues requires, first of all, 
lawmakers with the ability to recognize the value in the various points 
of view, from the people's perspective.  That is impossible for 
legislators elected to represent partisan interests.

Democracy's dilemma is to find those individuals whose self-interest 
encourages them to seek advancement and whose commitment to the public 
interest makes them acceptable to their peers. Such persons cannot be 
identified by partisan groups seeking to advance their own interests. 
They can only be identified by the people themselves.

Why Practical Democracy Works
Practical Democracy gives the people a way to select Mansbridge's 
"wisest, cleverest, most virtuous, and most experienced citizens".  At 
each level, voters deliberate in small groups, where "... face-to-face 
contact increases the perception of likeness, encourages decision making 
by consensus, and perhaps even enhances equality of status."[14]

Academic studies have shown the value of deliberation in small groups. 
The PD process builds on these phenomena.  It lets people with differing 
views deliberate and seek consensus on political issues.  When triad 
members are selected to advance, those selected are the individuals the 
group believes best represent its perspectives.  This necessarily adds a 
bias toward the common interest.

PD works because it atomizes the electorate into thousands, or, in 
larger communities, millions of very small groups.  Each provides a 
slight bias toward the common interest.  As the levels advance, the 
cumulative effect of this small bias overwhelms special interests 
seeking their private gain.  It leads, inexorably, to the selection of 
representatives who advocate the will of the community.

The described process provides the sorting and selecting mechanism 
required to implement Jane Mansbridge's "Selection Model" of Political 
Representation.[15]  It yields self-motivated representatives whose 
gyroscopes are aligned with the objectives of the people who select 
them.  It lets the people advance the individuals they believe have the 
qualities necessary to resolve public issues into ever-more deliberative 
groups to work out solutions from broadly differing perspectives.

PD focuses on selecting representatives who will resolve adversarial 
encounters to the advantage of the commonweal.  During the process, 
participants necessarily consider both common and conflicting interests, 
and, because PD is intrinsically bidirectional, it gives advocates of 
conflicting interests a continuing voice.  At the same time, it 
encourages the absorption of diverse interests, reducing them to their 
essential element: their effect on the participants in the electoral 
process.  There are no platforms, there is no ideology.  The only 
question is, which participants are the most attuned to the needs of the 
community and have the qualities required to advocate the common good.

It is hard to achieve democracy because true democracy has no champions. 
  It offers no rewards for individuals or vested interests; it gives no 
individual or group an advantage over others.  Hence, it offers no 
incentive for power-seeking individuals or groups to advocate its adoption.

The best chance for something like the Practical Democracy concept to 
develop will be if it is adopted in a small community.  In May of 2015, 
the people of Frome in the U.K. rejected all party candidates and 
elected an independent city government.[16]  They might welcome a 
mechanism like Practical Democracy to ensure the election of independent 
individuals in the future.

Practical Democracy is an electoral process through which the people 
actively participate in the conduct of, and impress their moral sense 
on, their government.  It creates a unique merger of self-interest and 
the public interest.  It completes more quickly and with less public 
distraction than existing systems, however large the electorate.

We have no shortage of competent, talented individuals among us.  The PD 
process gives us the machinery to sift through all of us to find the 
individuals with the qualities needed to address and resolve 
contemporary public concerns.  It lets the public discuss substantive 
matters - with a purpose.  It gives participants time for deliberation 
and an opportunity to understand the rationale for the positions of others.

PD is a bottom-up process that lets every member of the community 
participate to the full extent of each individual's desire and ability,

1--> it incorporates partisanship without letting partisans
      control the process;

2--> it functions without political campaigns or the marketing
      of candidates;

3--> it enables and encourages dialogue and deliberation on
      political issues among the electorate;

4--> it includes a way for the people to change their
      representatives as they deem appropriate; and

5--> it is a bottom-up arrangement that lets every member of
      the community influence political decisions to the full
      extent of each individual's desire and ability.

That is the essence of a democratic political process.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Gohlke

[1] Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page (2014). Testing Theories
     of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average

[2] Wikiquote, Louis Brandeis

[3] Search for the Great Community, p293

[4] Washington's Farewell Address

[5] Robert Michels, Political Parties, p27

[6] Political Philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre,

[7] Esterling, Kevin M., Fung, Archon and Lee, Taeku, Knowledge
     Inequality and Empowerment in Small Deliberative Groups:
     Evidence from a Randomized Experiment at the Oboe Town Halls
     (2011). APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper. Available at SSRN:

[8] Pogrebinschi, Thamy, Participatory Democracy and the
     Representation of Minority Groups in Brazil (2011). APSA 2011
     Annual Meeting Paper. Available at SSRN:

[9] The Center for Responsive Politics

[10] PolitiFact.com

[11] Louis D. Brandeis

[12] Beyond Adversary Democracy, Jane J. Mansbridge, The
      University of Chicago Press, 1980

[13] Beyond Adversary Democracy, p. 88

[14] Beyond Adversary Democracy, p. 33

[15] Jane Mansbridge, A "Selection Model" of Political

[16] How Flatpack Democracy beat the old parties in the People's
      Republic of Frome

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