[EM] A design flaw in the electoral system

Fred Gohlke fredgohlke at verizon.net
Thu Nov 3 09:17:35 PDT 2011

Good Morning, Michael

re: "Why the lack of public participation?"

Our elections lack public participation because the election methods 
extant do not allow, much less encourage, public participation in the 
selection of candidates for public office or public deliberation on 
public issues.  Instead, elections are party-based adversarial campaigns 
conducted by politicians, a process that is inherently corruptive.

To find the cause of the problem, we must go back at least as far as 
Plato, who, when he said, "As to the people they have no understanding, 
and only repeat what their rulers are pleased to tell them.", failed to 
recognize that 'the people' included many wise and gifted individuals - 
like himself.

We will not have public participation in our electoral process until our 
electoral process is built on the knowledge that there are many 
individuals among the people - among us - whose counsel will benefit the 

Fred Gohlke

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