[EM] MMPO ideas

fsimmons at pcc.edu fsimmons at pcc.edu
Sat Nov 26 17:18:24 PST 2011

There are several ideas that can be used to make variations on MMPO.

1. One is to use a bottom Tier Pairwise rule that counts bottom level candidates
on a ballot as being opposed by all other bottom level candidates (analogous to
the TTP rule in other methods).  Note that this rule doesn't get  in the way of
the FBC.

2. Use Cardinal Ratings Pairwise opposition.  The opposition on a ballot is
proportional to how much higher the opposing candidate is rated on the ballot.

3. Instead of Minimizing Max Pairwise Opposition, which is a  measure of
defensive strength, use a measure of offensive strength: maximize the minimum
points scored against the other candidates.  To satisfy the FBC use the Top Tier
Pairwise rule that gives full points for equal top ratings on a ballot.  If X
and Y are rated equal top on a ballot then this ballot counts as an offensive
point of X against Y, as well as an offensive point of Y against X.

4. Some combination of the defensive and offensive scores in 3.  Find the
difference or ratio, for example, of the MaxMinPairwisePointsAgainst and the
MinMaxPairwiseOpposition.  The candidate with the highest ratio or difference is


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