[EM] New tryIRV free IRV survey website online

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at lavabit.com
Thu Jul 7 10:32:39 PDT 2011

Sand W wrote:
> I hope everyone is interested in a new online survey site intended to 
> prove how much better IRV-enabled surveys are than traditional "one 
> choice" or approval surveys.
> http://TryIRV.us is the current url, and we are still correcting it and 
> adding features.  It is based on Demochoice code.

I would suggest that you use a Condorcet method instead of IRV, or at 
least that, in your IRV code, consider a runoff between the bottom two 
in the elimination stage, and then eliminate the one voted below the 
other by the most voters. Doing so would go a long way in fixing the IRV 
problems exhibited in the 2009 Burlington election.

With a name like TryIRV.us, tinkering with the method might not be 
practical, though.

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