[EM] High precision Yee diagrams

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Fri Jan 28 07:27:16 PST 2011


This is still Yee diagrams, right?

--- En date de : Ven 28.1.11, Leon Smith <leon.p.smith at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Kristofer Munsterhjelm
> <km-elmet at broadpark.no>
> wrote:
> > But to sum up after that digression: unless you add in
> voter ignorance,
> > equal-rank would vanish under the model, and
> truncation seems too arbitrary
> > to implement. Thus I'm staying with full rank. I may
> consider the other
> > things later, but I haven't even written the program
> to do full rank yet.
> I'm not sure you can attribute equal rankings to "voter
> ignorance",  I
> think it's perfectly rational to rate two candidates as
> roughly equal
> from your point of view,  even if they are rather
> different.

Kristopher is just saying you *could* attribute it to voter ignorance,
and if you don't, if everything is sincere, you're not going to see any
equality of ranking because preference is based on distance.

If you try to incorporate strategy into a Yee diagram you will get most
methods looking pretty odd, I expect. For instance I usually implement
"strategic FPP" and "sincere IRV" in exactly the same way, at least in
the three-candidate case. So oddities usually blamed on IRV would show 
up with FPP as well.

It's also pretty well-known that if you include pre-election polling as
part of an Approval implementation, it isn't monotonic (at least in any
setup I've seen or thought of).

Kevin Venzke


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