[EM] High precision Yee diagrams

Leon Smith leon.p.smith at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 05:39:45 PST 2011

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM, Kristofer Munsterhjelm
<km-elmet at broadpark.no> wrote:
> But to sum up after that digression: unless you add in voter ignorance,
> equal-rank would vanish under the model, and truncation seems too arbitrary
> to implement. Thus I'm staying with full rank. I may consider the other
> things later, but I haven't even written the program to do full rank yet.

I'm not sure you can attribute equal rankings to "voter ignorance",  I
think it's perfectly rational to rate two candidates as roughly equal
from your point of view,  even if they are rather different.   And
truncation could either be apathy,  or a rational voter strategy
depending on the method used to pick a winner.

But for the purpose of high-performance generation of Yee diagrams
using the "standard" voter model,  I think sticking to non-truncated
fully-ranked ballots is a perfectly reasonable simplification for the
time being.   The FFT approach sounds rather interesting as well,

Also,  I wonder if there is a good method for knowing where the noise
will be and,  after the main computation is,  sample those regions to
add the noise back in.  This seems rather tricky,  given Warren's
observation of the noise patterns in a pentagonal candidate
configuration using IRV.   But that's putting the cart before the


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