[Election-Methods] [english 95%] Re: [english 95%] Re: [english 94%] Re: method designchallenge+new method AMP

Jobst Heitzig heitzig-j at web.de
Sun May 4 13:28:39 PDT 2008

Dear Raphfrk,

you wrote:
> It seems to me that the voters, will not be sure which of the main 
> candidates have a chance.

Under this assumption, your analysis makes sense. But I meant (without 
saying so unfortunately) that everybody has perfect information about 
the others' preferences.

> Btw, I think your original proposal is pretty cool too.  I wonder what 
> the effects of putting a threshold would be on the strategic effects.
> For example, if a candidate represents more than 90% of the balls in the 
> urn, they are declared the winner without drawing any.

Thanks. Such a threshold could be justified in order to keep very 
extreme options off. (Usually I don't really care about this detail 
since I think any community is well-advised to reduce the set of options 
to "constitutional" options before any decision. But that is a different 

Do you think one could modify the "Anti-STV" approach in a different way 
to overcome the cloning problem without making the method majoritarian?

Yours, Jobst

> Raphfrk
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