[Election-Methods] Tucson AZ may put scanned ballots on internet

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax abd at lomaxdesign.com
Mon Mar 3 05:51:44 PST 2008

I've been a tad busy. Still am.

At 12:21 PM 1/17/2008, Jan Kok wrote:
>But Valadez said voters should be able to see and believe in the 
>election results. "What could be more transparent than that?" he said.

Indeed. Ahem! This time I'm only -- what? -- a year ahead. Keep up 
this trend and pretty soon I'll be predicting tomorrow's news and 
reforms, and then, I'll be dead, or simply talking to myself while 
everyone else around me is watching the TV set. Or just watching the 
TV set. Or neither.

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