[Election-Methods] Dopp: 2. Requires centralized vote counting procedures at the state-level"

Greg greg at somervilleirv.org
Thu Jun 12 20:04:34 PDT 2008

Abd, inappropriately started the trend of cc'ing me on these messages.
So despite the fact that I am signed up for this list on digest mode,
I am receiving each of these  messages individually. Please return to
the polite practice of replying only to the list.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:01 PM,  <raphfrk at netscape.net> wrote:
>> The method used in Ireland is the Contingent Vote. There
>> cannot be more than two rounds of counting, because all
>> but the top two are eliminated in one step, if there is no
>> majority in the first round.
> Sorry to jump in on a (relatively) minor point.  I am 99% sure
> this is not correct.  The constitution requires that PR-STV be
> used to elect the president.  Ofc, this can be defined by the
> Dail via legislation, but I don't think switching to contingent vote
> would be considered consistent with the constitution.
> I think you may have misinterpreted the system because
> of the multiple elimination rule
> The result after round 1 was
> 45.24%) McAleese
> 29.30%) Banotti
> 13.82%) Scallon
> 6.96%) Roche
> 4.69%) Nally
> The rule is that you can eliminate a group of the lowest
> candidates as long as the sum of their vote is lower than
> the vote of the next highest candidate.  The theory is that
> that even if they all transferred their votes to one of the group,
> that candidate would still be eliminated anyway as they
> wouldn't have less votes than any candidate outside the
> group.  This is somewhat equivalent to declaring a candidate
> with the majority of the remaining votes a winner because
> even if all the other candidates transfer their votes to a
> single one of them, they will still have less votes than the
> one with the majority.
> Nally + Roche + Scallon = 25.47%
> This is lower than Banotti's total (29.30%), so all 3 can be eliminated
> in one go.
> Thus round 2 only contains McAleese and Banotti.
> In effect, round 2,3 and 4 are skipped as it no matter how
> the transfers go, Nally, Roche and Scallon would be eliminated
> in that order.
> In fact, sometimes the order isn't known for sure, just that they
> would all be eliminated for sure.
> For example, if the votes were
> N: 6
> R: 7
> S: 12
> B: 30
> Then it could go one of two ways
> If Nally transfers mostly to Roche, then after he is eliminated, it becomes
> R: 13
> S: 12
> B: 30
> The elimination order is N->S->R
> OTOH, if the votes are split more evenly, it would be something like
> R: 10
> S: 15
> B: 30
> The elimination order is N->R->S
> In both cases, N, R and S are eliminated before Banotti.
> Thus it might look like contingent vote but is actually PR-STV (single
> seat).
> Raphfrk
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