[EM] RE : Chris: Approval

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Mon Mar 19 07:42:35 PDT 2007


--- Michael Ossipoff <mikeo2106 at msn.com> a écrit :
> >I share the Venke (similar to Woodall's) approach that the criteria
> >should assume that the voters intend to submit a ranked ballot (maybe 
> >truncated, maybe with some equal-ranking) and that voters
> >fill out their actual (maybe restricted) ballots in a way that is 
> >consistent with their intended ballots, and when ballot restrictions 
> >prevent
> >voters from fully voting their intended ranked ballots the criteria are 
> >based on the intended ballots.
> I've already answered about that. It's based on a privileged balloting 
> system. My criteria make no mention of any balloting system.

But you also can't demonstrate that they are unambiguous for any possible
election method.

> Though you go to great lengths to avoid mentioning preferences, you don't
> mind saying that the voter intends to vote a ranking, when s/he votes in 
> Plurality. I've talked to voters, and many of them are adamantly opposed
> to 
> any voting system other than Plurality. They don't intend to vote a
> ranking 
> when they vote Plurality.

Doesn't matter. That's not the point of speaking of "intent."

> Could you demonstrate why Approval and 0-10 CR fail Condorcet’s
> Criterion, 
> in your system?

Personally I don't have anything to add on these topics. I gave an
example of dealing with CR, and acknowledged that Approval is a weak

> Aside from that, why is it ok to speak of intent, but not preference?

Intent is post-strategy. Here's an example of the process:

1. Say my "sincere preferences" are A>B>C>D>E.
2. Then I apply whatever reasoning and decide that I will be voting D>A>B
and truncate the rest. Then that D>A>B is my "intended vote."
3. At this point I the voter do not make any more decisions. Suppose the
ballot format is such that I can only vote for two candidates equally
and nobody else. Then my "cast ballot" is either D=A or D=B, according
to arbitrary resolution.

So an advantage of using intent over preference is that the voter only
has input at one stage. That's exactly as if you were only considering
cast ballots, except that you don't have to worry that perhaps the voter
was not allowed by the ballot to cast his preferred vote.

Preference and intent really take the same approach to not having to
worry about ballot restrictions, in that they both try to regard voter
input before it hits the paper.

Kevin Venzke


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