[EM] Unicameral single-member + PR in Germany (Re: CompetitiveDistricting Rule)

James Gilmour jgilmour at globalnet.co.uk
Mon Oct 16 14:42:22 PDT 2006

Stephane a écrit :
> It is possible to achieve PR with single-member districts if
> by single-member district it means only one representative of 
> any political can be candidate. This unclassical definition 
> does not say that there will be only one winner. There could 
> be several or even none.

Stephane, this is just playing with words!    By "single-member
district" the world of electoral science means and understands "a
district electing one single member" to multi-member body, like a city
council or state legislature.  The term is used to distinguish this type
of election from a "single winner election" where there is only one post
to fill, like a city mayor or a state governor.  Any other "definitions"
are unhelpful and just create confusion where none need exist.

So my statement stands:
> James Gilmour a écrit :
> > My statement related to voting systems based on "single-member
> > districts" and it is correct that if you have only single-member 
> > districts you cannot have PR (except by chance).


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