[EM] Voting by selecting a published ordering

David Cary dcarysysb at yahoo.com
Mon May 15 20:13:15 PDT 2006

Does geometric consistency mean here that the candidates and voters
can be represented by points in some space so that a voter prefers
candidate A over Candidate B iff the voter is "closer" to A than to

--- "Simmons, Forest" <simmonfo at up.edu> wrote:

> First of all, which combinations of candidate orderings make sense
> geometrically?
> This question is not hard to answer in the case of three
> candidates, A, B, and C.
> Suppose that candidates A and C are the furthest apart from each
> other as measured by some symmetric metric (Euclidean or not).
> Then geometric consistency requires that the A and C orderings are
> ABC and CBA, respectively.  

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