[EM] Democratic Lottery Enhancement

Jobst Heitzig heitzig-j at web.de
Thu Jun 8 17:59:41 PDT 2006

Hello Raphael again!

> If so, there is an odd number of winners in that case, which might
> prove problematic.

For example:

2 abc
2 bca
3 cab

Starting with a uniform distribution, we get:

           no. of
           papers for
iteration    a    b    c
0            1    1    1
1            7    6    8
2           43   38   66
3          217  274  538
4          727 2286 4190
5                ?

Algebraically, one finds that the following is an equilibrium:

           no. of
           papers for
iteration    a    b    c
0            1    2    2
1            7   14   14


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