[EM] Javascript matrix/bar chart generator

Rob Lanphier robla at robla.net
Tue Nov 29 22:07:13 PST 2005

Very cool!

I notice that there's no explicit redistribution license listed on these
files.  Are you planning on licensing them for use in open source
software (e.g. Electowidget)?


On Tue, 2005-11-29 at 20:44 -0800, rob brown wrote:
> I made a start at some stuff to do improved output for condorcet
> election results.
>  http://karmatics.com/voting/testharness.html
> There is no server component to this, so if you want to play with it
> you can download the files to your computer, edit them to your heart's
> content and it will all work.  The processing is done in javascript,
> which has a lot of advantages for some of the future plans I have for
> this.  For instance, it doesn't really matter if an algorithm is
> inefficient, since it is processed on the client.  Also there is a
> certain transparency to be had by having the processing (at least the
> post-pairwise matrix processing) happen on the client.  And of course
> the ease that anyone can muck with it without having to have perl,
> php, a web server, or any of that sort of thing running (all you need
> is a browser and text editor).
> To allow an actual election to take place there will have to be a
> server component of course.
> The scoring stuff is experimental.  I'm sure I'll do other tabulation
> methods, but I figured I'd start with the scoring algorithm I came up
> with, and try not to lose sleep over who is offended by that :) .  I'm
> also planning on doing some stuff to display "relative scores" on the
> bar chart....soon.  Got various other plans for this, but I figured
> I'd throw what I've got out there for now.  It will probably be
> several weeks before I do more with it since I can't afford much more
> time right now.
> -rob
> ----
> election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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