[EM] Re: Ted's DMC proposal

Forest Simmons simmonfo at up.edu
Mon Mar 21 16:39:41 PST 2005

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Paul Kislanko wrote:

> At the risk of both complicating the discussion and (again) showing some
> ignorance, I think the analogies are not quite precise and possibly not as
> intuitive as it may seem.
> Everybody understands the concept of grades, but in the classroom situation
> all "alternatives" are in the same category and there is a single continuous
> function of preference (by the grader).

I teach at the college level where most students are graded every term by 
several graders.

Even for those night class students that take one class per term, by the 
time they graduate, their grade point is an average of grades that they 
have received from many graders.


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