[EM] San Francisco IRV Raw Ballot Data
bql at bolson.org
bql at bolson.org
Wed Mar 9 13:43:46 PST 2005
On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Eric Gorr wrote:
> Anyone know if it is still available on an official site somewhere?
> Has anyone happened to have converted it into the form a>b>c, etc...?
Attached is a perl script to transform the raw data into the form:
Brian Olson
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$candidateFileName = "Candidates.txt";
$contestFileName = "Contest.txt";
$precinctFileName = "precinctindex.txt";
$dataFileName = "Details.txt";
%candidates = ();
%contests = ();
%precincts = ();
open( FIN, $candidateFileName );
while ( $line = <FIN> ) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]*$//g;
($num,$cand) = $line =~ /^([^,]+),(.*)$/;
if ( $num && $cand ) {
$candidates{$num} = $cand;
# print STDERR "num=\"$num\" cand=\"$cand\"\n";
close FIN;
open( FIN, $contestFileName );
while ( $line = <FIN> ) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]*$//g;
($num,$cand) = $line =~ /^([^,]+),(.*)$/;
if ( $num && $cand ) {
$contests{$num} = $cand;
close FIN;
open( FIN, $precinctFileName );
while ( $line = <FIN> ) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]*$//g;
($num,$cand) = $line =~ /^([^,]+),(.*)$/;
if ( $num && $cand ) {
$precincts{$num} = $cand;
close FIN;
%confiles = ();
%bogusCandidates = ();
open FIN, $dataFileName;
while ( $line = <FIN> ) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]*$//g;
($pre,$ranks) = $line =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)\s*(.*)$/;
if ( $pre && $ranks ) {
($race) = $ranks =~/^(\d\d\d\d)/;
if ( $race ) {
my $cf;
@va = split /\s+/,$ranks;
if ( (! @va) || ($#va < 0) ) {
print STDERR "no va from line \"$line\"\n";
exit 1;
@vot = ();
foreach $v ( @va ) {
my $vt = $candidates{$v};
if ( ! $vt ) {
# print STDERR "bogus candidate \"$v\"\n";
if ( 1 ) {
if ( $bogusCandidates{$v} ) {
} else {
$bogusCandidates{$v} = 1;
} else {
($vt) = $v =~ /^\d\d\d\d-(.*)/;
if ( ! $vt ) {
print STDERR "bogus candidate \"$v\"\n";
$vt = $v;
} else {
push @vot, $vt;
# @vot = map { $candidates{$_} } @va;
if ( (! @vot) || ($#vot < 0) ) {
# print STDERR "no vot from line \"$line\"\n";
# exit 1;
} else {
if ( 0 ) {
print STDERR<<EOF;
race: $race
ranks: $ranks
va: @va
vot: @vot
$cf = $confiles{$race};
if ( ! $cf ) {
open $cf, ">$race";
$confiles{$race} = $cf;
print $cf join( ">", @vot ) . "\n";
} else {
print STDERR "bogus ranks in line \"$line\"\n";
foreach $cf ( values %confiles ) {
close $cf;
open FOUT, ">report.txt";
foreach $v ( sort keys %bogusCandidates ) {
print FOUT "$v=$bogusCandidates{$v}\n";
close FOUT;
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