[EM] IRV Failures

Eric Gorr eric at ericgorr.net
Tue Mar 8 06:21:36 PST 2005

James Green-Armytage wrote:

> Eric Gorr wrote:
>>In a recent conversation with an IRV supporter I asked the question:
>> What cases would you accept as failure of IRV?
>>They answered:
>> Where the general public (or a significant fraction of it) failed to
>> accept the results as legitimate, or at least beyond question.  The
>> 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections are examples of failed elections.
>> San Franciso's election was heralded as a success.
>>They also believe that IRV has never failed to produce a fully 
>>satisfactory result. Can anyone provide evidence to the contrary?
> 	This person's argument seems to address the integrity of the counting
> method, rather than the virtue of the tally algorithm. 

Good point...one I had not considered.

So, to make it simple, is there a case where IRV has been used (in a 
government election), with no doubt as to the integrity of the count, 
but where there has been widespread belief that the winner was a poor one?

== Eric Gorr ========= http://www.ericgorr.net ========= ICQ:9293199 ==
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for temporal safety
deserve neither to be safe or free." -- Benjamin Franklin
== Insults, like violence, are the last refuge of the incompetent... ===

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