[EM] justified criticism, higher/lower

James Green-Armytage jarmyta at antioch-college.edu
Thu Jan 13 22:48:28 PST 2005

>This is an example of where expert jargon is counter-intuitive to a
>If a completed ranked ballot looks like this:
>Candiate    Rank
>A           2
>B           3
>C           1
>D           4
>We tend to loosely say that "C is ranked 'higher' than B" which is
>counter-intuitive because the number 1 is 'lower' than the number 3.

This is basically a question of common usage. I'm not totally sure, but I
think that there are plenty of other contexts where a ranking of "1" is
considered to be a very "high" ranking, "higher" than a ranking of 2 or
10. Of course, in most cases, a *score* of 1 is considered to be lower
than a score of 2, but when you're talking about ranking rather score,
lower numbers are generally understood to represent higher rankings.

Anyway, yes, I guess it can be confusing sometimes, but I don't think that
the usage is specific to voting methods.

my best,

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