[EM] Correlated Instant Borda Runoff, without Borda
Dan Bishop
daniel-j-bishop at neo.tamu.edu
Fri Dec 23 01:45:36 PST 2005
Months ago, someone proposed a method called "Correlated Instant Borda
Runoff (CIBR)" in order to fix Borda's clone problem. But only now has
it occurred to be that CIBR's clone-purging idea might be good for
things other than improving on Borda.
I've got a couple of examples below, but first I'd like to propose an
improved defintion of "correlation".
A candidate C is "voted between" A and B on a ballot if C is voted
either both strictly higher than A and strictly lower than B, or vice-versa.
The "correlation between X and Y with respect to Z" (where X, Y, and Z
are candidates), denoted "corr(X, Y) wrt Z" is the proportion of the
ballots on which Z is NOT voted between X and Y.
The "correlation between D and E", denoted corr(D, E), is defined the
minimum of corr(D, E) wrt F over all candidates F in the complement of
{D, E}.
Consider a summation array labelled by all possible combinations of X,
Y, and Z in "corr(X, Y) wrt Z". To represent a ballot in this summation
array, put a 0 in each positions in which Z is not voted between X and
Y, and a 1 elsewhere. To calculate corr(X, Y) wrt Z, simply add the
appropriate elements of the ballot arrays and divide by the number of
Let N be the number of candidates, and assume N>2. By symmetry in the
definition, corr(X, Y) wrt Z == corr(Y, X) wrt Z, so we only need to
consider the unordered combinations of X and Y: There are N×(N-1)/2 of
them. For each (X, Y) pair, there are N-2 of them. Therefore, the size
of the summation array is N×(N-1)/2×(N-2) = (1/2)N³-(3/2)N²+N <= (1/2)N³.
Therefore, the computation of the correlations is third-order summable.
Consider the hypothetical Tennessee capital election between Chattanooga
(C), Knoxville (K), Memphis (M), and Nashville (N).
42%: M>N>C>K
26%: N>C>K>M
15%: C>K>N>M
17%: K>C>N>M
If I calculated correctly, the correlations of each possible trio of
candidates are:
corr(C, K) wrt M = 100%
corr(C, K) wrt N = 100%
corr(C, M) wrt K = 59%
corr(C, M) wrt N = 26%
corr(C, N) wrt K = 85%
corr(C, N) wrt M = 100%
corr(K, M) wrt C = 41%
corr(K, M) wrt N = 26%
corr(K, N) wrt C = 15%
corr(K, N) wrt M = 100%
corr(M, N) wrt C = 74%
corr(M, N) wrt K = 74%
Thus, the correlations between each possible pair of candidates are:
corr(C, K) = min(100%, 100%) = 100%
corr(C, M) = min( 59%, 26%) = 26%
corr(C, N) = min( 85%, 100%) = 85%
corr(K, M) = min( 41%, 26%) = 26%
corr(K, N) = min( 15%, 100%) = 15%
corr(M, N) = min( 74%, 74%) = 74%
Note that the clone pair has 100% correlation.
(Just like CIBR, but without the Borda points.)
Consider the election method:
while there are at least 2 candidates:
compute the correlations
find the most-correlated pair of candidates
eliminate the loser of a contest between that pair
elect the remaining candidate
With the ballots from the previous example, the most-correlated pair is
Chattanooga and Knoxville. Chattanooga pairwise defeats Knoxville, 83%
to 17%, so eliminate Knoxville.
The correlation trios without Knoxville are:
corr(C, M) wrt N = 26%
corr(C, N) wrt M = 100%
corr(M, N) wrt C = 74%
The new most-correlated pair is Chattanooga and Memphis. Chattanooga
beats Memphis, 58% to 42%, so eliminate Memphis.
This leaves only two candidates: Chattanooga and Nashville. Chattanooga
pairwise loses to Nashville, 32% to 68%, so is eliminated. Nashville wins.
Note that the example elected the Condorcet winner. This will always be
the case, because if a CW exists, then by definition it cannot pairwise
lose to another candidate and thus will never be eliminated.
Consider the election method:
count the first-choice votes of each candidate
while no candidate has a majority of the vote:
eliminate the last-place candidate
transfer that candidate's votes to their most-correlated candidate
elect the candidate with a majority of a vote
With the ballots from the original example, the first-choice votes are:
42%: M
26%: N
17%: K
15%: C
No candidate has a majority, so the last-place one (Chattanooga) is
eliminated. The correlations without Chattanooga are:
corr(K, M) wrt N = 26%
corr(K, N) wrt M = 100%
corr(M, N) wrt K = 74%
Chattanooga is 26% correlated with Memphis, 85% correlated with
Nashville, and 100% correlated with Knoxville. Because Knoxville is
best-correlated to Chattanooga, it receives its vote, so the count is now:
42%: M
32%: K
26%: N
The next candidate for elimination is Nashville. The best-correlated
candidate to Nashville is Knoxville, which receives Nashville's vote,
producing a final tally of:
58%: K
42%: M
Knoxville now has a majority of the vote, and is declared the winner.
(Note that is the same as the IRV winner. I'd be interested to know how
often this is the case.)
By changing "majority" to "Droop quota" and extending the "transfer
votes to the most-correlated candidate" rule to excess votes, this
method can be used to approximate STV (or STV-CLE or a pairwise
comparision for CPO-STV). The advantage over traditional STV is that
the clone-transfer method is third-order summable.
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