[EM] RMDD foils truncation in James' example.

James Green-Armytage jarmyta at antioch-college.edu
Sat May 29 17:25:01 PDT 2004

>By the way, someone miglht object that RMDD doesn't foil order-reversal
>that example, since I offered RMDD as an order-reversal solution. But all
>said was that RMDD meets SSSC. If the B voters steal the election and
>B by defection, that election of B isn't a majority rule violation. I 
>already pointed that out, to tell why that result isn't as bad as James 
>implies that it is. That's why RMDD lets it happen. RMDD is for
>voted majority wishes and meeting SSSC.

Same problem again, I'm afraid. I don't know what RMDD is, and I don't
know what SSSC is. If you're going to use all these acronyms, could you
please at least include in your message a hyperlink to some place where
the acronyms are defined, either in the archives or on your own web site?
It's not fair to expect people to go hunting through the archives in order
to understand what you're talking about. 

thanks again,

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