[EM] Proportional Proxy?

Brian Olson bql at bolson.org
Mon May 17 23:15:01 PDT 2004

There is the suggestion that I can nominate A, B and C as my proxies. 
Should A not vote, B is my proxy. If not B then C. Etc.

How about a proportional proxy? If I'm unsure about my proxies, I'll 
diversify and hedge my bets. I'll put 60% on A, 30% on B, 10% on C.

I think if A doesn't vote, 60% of my vote gets split between A's 

What do you think? Useful model? Unnecessary complication?

Also, I think there is a Depth First traversal that makes this 
reasonably fast.

(Unified proxy distribution would be searched Breadth First: Have my 
proxies (in order) voted? have theirs? ...)

Brian Olson

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