[EM] non-binding direct democracy system

Markus Schulze markus.schulze at alumni.tu-berlin.de
Fri Mar 26 06:38:02 PST 2004


Ernest Prabhakar wrote (26 March 2004):
> The one question that seems tricky is, how does one come up with such a
> ballot?   Usually in California, it is a partisan group that collects
> the signatures to put them on the ballot -- or the legislature, which
> is usually as bad. The hard part, IMHO, is coming up with well-defined
> centrist positions and then getting enough public support behind them
> to provide a public viewing, since the traditional organizations tend
> to be bi-polar.

In referendums in Switzerland, the voters are usually confronted
with 3 alternatives: initiative, counter-draft, and none of them.

Please read Art. 139 of the constitution:

Markus Schulze

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