[EM] Approval & CR are 2nd best, after Condorcet wv.

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 30 14:19:07 PST 2004

I realize that I've already recently said that, in a message, but it was 
buried in a message about something else, with a different subject line. I 
believe that that statement deserves its own subject line.

Approval & CR are the 2nd best, if we're talking about proposed methods. 
Bucklin and ERBucklin(whole) are between Condorcet and Approval, in merit. 
But Bucklin & ERBucklin(whole) aren't proposed.

CR is about as good as Approval, but I & others often point out that CR has 
the "disadvantage" that a voter who rates sincerely can be taken advantage 
of by voters who strategize. Approval doesn't have that problem because it 
doesn't have a gradation of ratings. Sure a voter could give Approval votes 
on principle, only to candidates s/he likes or considers acceptable, and in 
fact that's how I'd vote in Approval in public political elections. But 
Approval doesn't let you give less than a full vote to someone whom you 
consider good enough to vote for.

(Of course someone could vote probabilistically in order to defeat that 
protection. If you would vote for the Democrat in Approval, then I encourage 
you to draw numbers from a bag, to vote for hir with a probability equal to 
the fraction of maximum points that you'd give to hir in CR).

So yes, even though the difference between CR & Approval is a "disadvantage" 
for CR, I still like CR better when it encourages people to give less to a 
hold-your-nose compromise to whom they'd give a full vote to in Approval. 
For that reason, I'd like CR's results better than Approval's results, in 
public political elections. CR's disadvantage looks good to me. But I don't 
call it "being taken advantage of" when the lesser-of-2-evils compromiser 
gives low points to the lesser-evil. I call it giving a more-nearly-deserved 
rating to a candidate who deserves nothing.

Mike Ossipoff

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