[EM] Nader could designate same electors as Kerry

wclark at xoom.org wclark at xoom.org
Wed Jun 30 23:01:02 PDT 2004

Mike Ossipoff wrote:

> Nader could designate, as his electors, the same people who are
> Kerry's electors, instructing them to vote for Kerry. In that way,
> the votes for Nader would count for Kerry. No more spoiler problem.

Wow.  It seems so obvious, yet this is the first I think I've ever heard
that idea.  I think it's very clever; in what column was it mentioned?

>From a technical standpoint I think it's interesting because it's similar
to the candidate proxy method discussed a few weeks back, but can be
implemented within the confines of the existing system (assuming at least
some states allow identical slates of electors between different

>From a purely practical standpoint of getting Bush out of office (pace any
of his supporters on the list, if any) I also love it.  All my vandalistic
tendencies toward the existing plurality system aside, I simply don't see
Kerry winning the election.  If Bush is going to win anyway, I figure I
might as well make a statement with my vote, and push for Nader to be a
spoiler (or at least have the appearance of being one).

But if a vote for Nader is a vote for Kerry, then I could easily see that
motivating enough support to put Kerry over the top.  It would also bring
attention to the cause of election system reform in a much more positive
way than my intentional spoiling would.

-Bill Clark

p.s. Mike, sorry to hear you'll be leaving for a while.  I can appreciate
needing to take a break from things every once in a while, though.  Enjoy
whatever you'll be doing in the meantime!

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