[EM] my ballot - 21/02/2004

Stephane Rouillon stephane.rouillon at sympatico.ca
Sat Feb 21 18:55:05 PST 2004


If you want to have an Approval cutoff,  below what rank position do you
want it? [8]

If you want to have an automatic equal ranking line, below what rank
position do you want it? [8]

Candidates                Ranks           Approval      CR

Georges Bush                [41]            [ ]            [3]
Howard  Dean               [30]            [ ]            [15]
Edwards                        [9]              [x]           [70]
Kerry                             [2]              [x]           [95]
Kucinich                         [6]              [x]           [80]
Nader                             [10]           [x]           [70]
Sharpton                         [12]           [ ]            [70]
Jim Hightower                 [18]           [ ]            [25]
Amy Goodman               [23]           [ ]            [16]
Ron Daniels                    [16]           [ ]            [40]
Medea Benjamin             [13]           [ ]            [70]
Winona LaDuke             [31]           [ ]            [8]
Bill Moyers                    [17]            [ ]           [30]
Peter Camejo                 [8]             [x]           [75]
Michael Parenti              [15]           [ ]            [45]
Cynthia McKinney         [4]             [x]            [90]
Noam Chomsky             [1]            [x]            [100]
Howard Zinn                  [22]          [ ]             [20]
Wesley Clark                 [7]            [x]             [80]
Ramsey Clark                [36]          [ ]              [6]
Al Gore                         [11]          [x]              [70]
Dick Gephardt               [35]          [ ]              [7]
Lieberman                     [34]           [ ]              [7]
Carol Moseley-Braun    [14]           [ ]              [50]
Bill Bradley                    [21]          [ ]              [21]
John McCaine               [37]           [ ]              [6]
Robert Dole                  [39]           [ ]              [5]
Paul Tsongas                 [33]           [ ]              [7]
Michael Dukakis           [32]           [ ]              [7]
Walter Mondale            [19]           [ ]              [21]
Jimmy Carter                [3]             [x]              [95]
John Anderson              [24]           [ ]              [16]
Robert Byrd                 [38]           [ ]              [5]
Bernie Sanders             [5]             [x]              [90]
Jerry Springer               [44]           [ ]              [0]
Ken Livingstone            [20]           [ ]              [21]
Ron Paul                      [43]           [ ]              [0]
Jerry Falwell                 [45]           [ ]              [0]
Michael Badnerik         [40]           [ ]              [4]
Gary Nolan                  [29]           [ ]              [16]
Aaron Russo                [28]           [ ]              [16]
Blake Ashby                [27]           [ ]              [16]
Bill Wyatt                     [26]           [ ]              [16]
John Rigazio                 [42]           [ ]              [2]
Millie Howard              [25]           [ ]             [16]

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