[EM] SciAm article

Eric Gorr eric at ericgorr.net
Mon Feb 16 12:08:23 PST 2004

At 4:48 AM +0100 2/14/04, Kevin Venzke wrote:
>  --- Rob LeGrand <honky1998 at yahoo.com> a écrit :
>>  The latest issue (March 2004) of Scientific American has a well-written
>>  article on page 92 called "The Fairest Vote of All".  It discusses
>>  plurality, IRV, Borda ("rank-order voting") and Condorcet ("true majority
>>  rule"); the specific system they recommend in the end is Copeland//Borda.
>>  Check it out.
>Boggles the mind.

Well, Scientific American does accept Letters to 
the Editor. I am certainly planning on writing 
one. Who knows, a letter might get printed which 
would help make this area a bit less obscure. I 
stopped by my local library today and made a copy 
of the article...plan on reading it soon.

You can submit a letter to the editor to:

   editors at sciam.com

according to:


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