[EM] SciAm article

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Fri Feb 13 19:49:28 PST 2004

 --- Rob LeGrand <honky1998 at yahoo.com> a écrit : 
> The latest issue (March 2004) of Scientific American has a well-written
> article on page 92 called "The Fairest Vote of All".  It discusses
> plurality, IRV, Borda ("rank-order voting") and Condorcet ("true majority
> rule"); the specific system they recommend in the end is Copeland//Borda. 
> Check it out.

Boggles the mind.  Is this really such an obscure field that a real publication
isn't aware of anything better than Copeland//Borda?  Anyone advocating that
here would be immediately and painlessly redirected.

Has no one considered the notion of "defeat strength"?  Maybe the winning votes 
vs. margins debate is taboo at Scientific American.

I would have at least liked some discussion of Approval, or polytopes.

Kevin Venzke
stepjak at yahoo.fr


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