Online MAM tallying server (was Re: [EM] I Propose an EM Poll on Presidential Candidates)

Steve Eppley seppley at
Wed Feb 11 11:54:07 PST 2004

Mike Ossipoff proposed a poll within EM, to be tallied 
using several methods:
> I nominate Approval, Ranked-Pairs, and BeatpathWinner/CSSD. 
> Those Condorcet methods in their wv version. 

My website ( links to a 
webpage that tallies voters' orderings using MAM (which 
some people in the EM list call "Ranked-Pairs-wv" despite 
some differences).  The version currently posted is based 
on a MAM PHP script written by Fergus Duniho.  I made some 
changes so it correctly implements MAM's tiebreaking 
algorithm, and made a few cosmetic changes.  

The current version is quite rudimentary.  The simplest way 
to use it, probably, is for someone to copy & paste a list 
of the votes into its webpage. (It also expects to be given 
a list of the alternatives, but sometime in the near future 
I intend to post a version that constructs the list of 
alternatives by examining the votes.)

There may be moments when the script is unavailable, when 
I'm testing a newer version.

---Steve     (Steve Eppley    seppley at

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