[EM] Markus reply, 9 Feb., 1108 GMT

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 9 03:10:01 PST 2004

Markus said:

Case 3: If Mike Ossipoff is not an eligible voter and he
doesn't say in advance who his favorite candidate is, then
ROC isn't an election method since the winner depends on
more than just the opinions of the voters.

I reply:

There's nothing in the rules of ROC that says I'm  not allowed to vote.

But ROC2, in which my voted 1st choice always wins, is a better likeness to 
Ranked Plurality, since both methods get information from the rankings and 
from nowhere else, and both methods ignore most of the information in the 
rankings. As I said, I hereby replace ROC with ROC2, for the purpose of 
making a point about Ranked Plurality.

Mike Ossipoff

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