[EM] 30 A, 30 A=B, 40 C>B>A example

Forest Simmons simmonfo at up.edu
Tue Dec 28 19:56:16 PST 2004

The example in the subject line is a good example with a "Futile Approval 
Candidate" C in the mix.

Borda, Margins, and Winning Votes all agree that A should be the winner, 
but it seems to me that the "Futile Approval Candidate" C is a decoy that 
confuses the issue.  Remove C, and the obvious winner is B, the Bucklin 

A Futile Approval Candidate is one that would never win under approval 
even if the approval cutoff were placed immediately under his name on ever 
ballot possible, i.e. on every ballot except those on which he is ranked 
or rated dead last.

I believe that Futile Approval Candidates should be eliminated from the 
ballots as soon as they are detected, so as not to confuse the issue 

To its credit Cardinal Pairwise gives the win to A or B depending on 
whether B is closer to A or to C in its rating by the third faction.


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