FW: [EM] Approval-Elimination IRV fails FBC; AERLO

Paul Kislanko kislanko at airmail.net
Fri Apr 9 12:59:03 PDT 2004

----Original Message-----
From: election-methods-electorama.com-admin at electorama.com
[mailto:election-methods-electorama.com-admin at electorama.com] On Behalf
Of Kevin Venzke Kevin writes: AER > ERIRV > ERBucklin(whole) in my
opinion.  My gripe with ERBucklin is still that the voter has no good
basis on which to decide whether to rank equally, or strictly rank two

The voter's basis for ranking a candidate higher, less than, or equal to
another candidate is independent of the method. If what you're saying is
that the voter doesn't know how to vote insincerely to trick the method
into electing her candidate under false pretenses, I would say that is a
good thing.

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