[EM] Re: Proposed method of cycle resolution

Chris Benham chrisbenham at bigpond.com
Wed Sep 24 07:13:13 PDT 2003

If   you could sell as practicable   the type of  ballot needed, then I 
think the  Condorcet  completed by the utility-based
compressing of  ranks method, which  I  proposed/posted  as  "Condorcet 
completed by limited-rank Condorcet!"  on  
Sat.Sep.13.   (I wrongly thought that it might pass Participation), 
would be excellent for your pupose.

If not, then maybe: Condorcet completed by Borda. Eliminate non-Smith 
set  members. Based on the pairwise comparisons
among remaining candidates, choose the candidate with the highest 
votes-for-minus-votes-against score.

A conservative idea to sell to people who like IRV: Condorcet completed 
by IRV.

If  you have any  examples for my  "Improved Generalised Bucklin" 
 method  (especially to do with Partcipation,
Clone Independence, Burial or Compromise) that  might be interesting or 
 testing, then I would be interested.

Chris Benham

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