[EM] How to vote cards for Approval?

Alex Small asmall at physics.ucsb.edu
Thu Oct 30 21:50:02 PST 2003

Kevin Venzke said:
> I think how-to-vote cards would not work well for Approval.  Viable
> candidates wouldn't need to issue them, since their only advice is to
> bullet vote.  Candidates from the same area of the spectrum probably
> won't agree to advise their supporters to approve all of them.
> I can only see a minor candidate suggesting that his supporters vote for
> him as well  as his own favorite viable candidate.

Issue advocacy groups might suggest voting for 2 contenders in a close
3-way race.  If 2 candidates happen to agree on a particular issue, the
advocacy group might say "The most important thing is that a pro-[insert
issue here] candidate wins.  So vote for A and B to make sure C loses."

Issues that might motivate such voting include the bread-and-butter issue
of taxes, as well as more emotional issues like abortion, gun control, and
affirmative action.  I'm not suggesting that _all_ voters, or even most
voters, would care so passionately about a single issue that they vote for
two contenders over a single issue, but there are definitely people who
feel that way.  I've met people on both sides of the abortion issue who
simply cannot vote for the "other side" no matter what.


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