[EM] Is Condorcet The Turkey?

Forest Simmons fsimmons at pcc.edu
Fri Jun 13 17:23:01 PDT 2003

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, [iso-8859-1] Kevin Venzke wrote in response to the
first paragraph (marked with > > below):

> > Motives and situations that encourage insincere voting can be found under
> > virtually any electoral system Condorcet being no exception.
> True, but that doesn't mean all methods are equal in this regard.

And Condorcet is much better than IRV for reasons that I have tried to
elucidate in recent postings.  See Steve Eppley's web page for additional
explanations of why his version of Ranked Pairs is about as close as you
can get to the ideal.  You'll search in vain for anything approaching that
quality of analysis by IRV supporters.

One more thought on IRV's exhausting of higher options before considering
lower ones:

Remember IRV proceeds by elimination.  It seems to me that when deciding
whom to eliminate we should start with the lower ranking candidates, and
that lower ranking candidates can be determined from the bottoms of the
ballots at least as well as from the tops of the ballots.


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