[EM] 05/16/02 - More Code Words:

richard moore rmoore4 at cox.net
Thu May 16 17:40:49 PDT 2002

"More code words" == More hypocrisy from Donald
(who can't create an argument for IRV over
Approval or Condorcet without using loaded

Donald wrote:
> 05/16/02 - More Code Words:
> There is a code word term that includes the words `majority and winner'.
> The term `true majority winner' are code words meaning that Approval Voting
> is to be the standard to examine an election method and that the Approval
> winner would be the `true majority winner' regardless of the fact that it
> is mathematically impossible for any candidate to have a majority of the
> votes when the voters cast two or more votes each.


I find it interesting that, in your code book, nouns
always seem to stand for complete sentences.

Can you cite a message in the list archives where
the phrase "true majority winner" was used, so
we can confirm what you are saying? As far as
I can tell, this phrase could only mean "majority
winner", and I don't know what context it occurred
in where "true" could have changed the meaning.

Can you explain the connection you see between
the Approval and Majority winners? I've never
seen anyone contend that these two are identical.

The mathematical impossibility you pointed out
only applies if "votes" means "check marks",
but "votes" is frequently used to mean "ballots"
(e.g., "one person, one vote").

>     A majority of the voters is not a majority of the votes.  The code
> words `true majority winner' really means `bogus majority winner'.

For most people, "bogus" and "true" are antonyms.
Maybe it's different in your IRV secret code?

> The words `compromise candidate' are also code words and they mean that the
> best method would be a method that will not elect the first two candidates,
> but instead it is to elect the third candidate over top of the first two -
> even if the third candidate `doesn't have a pot to piss in' when it comes
> to votes (like elect Nader over Bush and Gore).

"First two" and "third" -- I need a translation
for these new code words.

 -- Richard

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