[EM] Definitions for Comparing Voting Power

Forest Simmons fsimmons at pcc.edu
Wed Feb 6 07:05:16 PST 2002

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, [iso-8859-1] Alex Small wrote:

> Definition:  Two sets A and B have equal voting power if
> 1)	for any set S such that if S is not a majority but S U A is a
> majority then S U B is also a majority
> and
> 2)	for any set T such that T is not a majority but S U B is a majority
> then S U A is also a majority.

I assume you mean T U B and T U A in this last sentence.

Are you thinking disjoint unions?

I ask because it could be that T is equal to A.  In that case we
we would have T U B = A U B, which could easily be a majority without
having the set A = T U A being a majority.


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