04/14/02 - Are you asking other lists to join your contest:

Elisabeth Varin/Stephane Rouillon stephane.rouillon at sympatico.ca
Sun Apr 14 09:01:08 PDT 2002

Mr. Davison,

for the moment I only advertised, not sollicitated and on other
multi-preferential lists.
The only other list I refered to is a canadian equivalent
of the EM list.

Please wait until the frequency of the iteration drops to advertise
on one preferential list. For the moment I am more afraid that
the number of participant might grow too fast.

After some iterations, we will need to sollicitate more people
and I hope we will agree on a way to do it on the
Electoral_systems_designers list.

I have 4 members, candidature for the single-winner contest close in
about 1 day and a half.


For more information about this list (subscribe, unsubscribe, FAQ, etc), 
please see http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/em

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