[EM] 04/14/02 - Partisan and Non-Partisan:

Donald Davison donald at mich.com
Sun Apr 14 01:15:18 PDT 2002

04/14/02 - Partisan and Non-Partisan:

Stéphane Rouillon wrote:

"First what do you mean by a partisan or non-partisan
election (for me any election is partisan except if
all voters want to submit a blank ballot)?"

Dear Stéphane,

A partisan election is an election in which almost all the candidates will
be running under the banner of one party or another.

A non-partisan election is an election in which, by law, no candidate is
allowed to run as a member of a party even if he is a member of a party.

This came about in America because candidates of local elections were not
running on local issues, but instead were running on State, Federal, and
even international issues, that is, running on issues that they will not
need to deal with (if elected).

Because local issues were not being addressed in the local elections, the
public had no idea as to how a local candidate would deal with local
issues, if at all.

Anyway, the distinction needs to be made between partisan and non-partisan
because some election methods are only suited for partisan elections.

   Donald Davison, host of New Democracy at http://www.mich.com/~donald
                        Candidate Election Methods
   |                        Q U O T A T I O N                          |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |        except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."   |
   |                           - Age 10 -                              |
    APV   Approval Voting
    ATV   Alternative Vote  aka  IRV Instant Runoff Voting  aka  IRVing
    FPTP  First Past The Post  aka  Plurality
    NOTA  None of the Above  aka  RON Re-Open Nominations
    STV   Single Transferable Vote  aka  Choice Voting  aka  Hare-Clark
          aka  Preference Voting  aka  Hare Preferential Voting

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