[EM] Problems I have with Peters and Wakker (1991) "Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Revealed Group Preferences" in Econometrica Vol. 59 No. 6

David Catchpole s349436 at student.uq.edu.au
Fri Mar 19 03:51:29 PST 1999

I'm having problems understanding a section of this article, p. 1792 which
gives two examples of a function satisfying IIA and Pareto Optimality but
not "acyclicity." Could someone have a glance at them and tell me-

For the first example,

what are F(abcd), F(abc), F(abd), F(acd), F(bcd), F(ab), F(ac), F(ad),
F(bc), F(bd), F(cd) ?

For the second example,

where a=(2,1,1)	b=(1,1,2) c=(1,2,1) ,

what are the functions of combinations as I listed for the first example?

It's really got me at the moment.	 

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