Attachment CRITTBL1

Steve Eppley seppley at
Mon May 27 17:00:45 PDT 1996

Bruce, you've provided a table of some ranked ballot voting methods
which meet or fail to meet 7 criteria.  Quite a few of the methods
meet all 7 criteria, including Smith//Condorcet.  

You've also written that you prefer Regular-Champion to
Smith//Condorcet, but I don't recall you explaining why. 

Since we're probably going to poll ourselves soon on methods, I'd
like to hear your reasoning; otherwise I feel compelled based on 
the discussion so far to rank Smith//Condorcet higher than

I presume that you're planning to post definitions of the methods 
mentioned in the table.  I'm looking forward to that, because many of 
the methods' names are unfamiliar to me and because I'm curious about 
how Condorcet is defined (and by whom).

---Steve     (Steve Eppley    seppley at

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