Demorep1: Truncation. Approval.

Mon Dec 9 20:29:20 PST 1996

Another point for the average, friendly focus group considering various new
election methods--

Laws in every democratic government on the planet are made by a majority rule
system- noting that one definition of democracy is majority rule.

Laws are not made by a fewest votes against system (e.g.  a law is not
enacted if a mere 55 percent of the legislators/voters are against it even if
60 percent of the legislators/voters are against some other law).

Will a majority of average, friendly voters approve constitutional amendments
for election reforms that permit the executive and judicial officers who
enforce such laws (including a U.S. President in control of nuclear weapons)
to be possibly/probably elected by a minority of the voters using a fewest
votes against method ?  

Extremely unlikely.

I raise the elementary question-- what is an alleged typical real election
result using plain Condorcet with 3 candidates ? 
With 4 candidates ?
With 5 candidates ?

How many times would a plain Condorcet winner in a real election beat each
other candidate by a majority of all the voters (such as 52 to 48, not 47 to
43) ?

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